March 29th, 2014

March 29th, 2014

March 29th, 2014
Cox Reservation, Essex, MA
Oil on Canvas, 18 x 24 in

It was one of those early spring days the forecaster suggests could get almost as high as 50 degrees, so you don’t bother to bring a jacket, or wear an underlayer, and go out ecstatic to start soaking in the balmy spring. Except you chose a spot to paint that cleverly exposes you to an icy ocean wind from all sides, and though the temperature in sheltered spots gets as high as 42, where you have chosen to stand might just be cresting 34 – and you, clothed in ill-informed enthusiasm and little else to warm you, do your very best to cover all 482 square inches of canvas, but the amount of shivering and dancing you have to do to try and stay just this side of hypothermic eventually render painting impossible, with about 6 square inches to go.