January 20th, 2014

January 20th, 2014
January 20th, 2014

January 20th, 2014
Cox Reservation, Essex Greenbelt, Essex, MA
Oil on Canvasboard, 16 x 20 in

I was fortunate to be able to join up with ‘The Posse’ and paint today. The earlier part of the day (when I did the ice) the sun was much brighter so there was a lot more contrast. As you can see, the atmosphere moved in and make my foreground seem darker than the foreground it’s supposed to resemble. I stopped simply because I was too damn cold. I was standing for a few hours on ice, in a stiff cold wind. I’ll examine my results tomorrow and either fix it or take a proper picture of it and move on. (NB- Jan 21 – have taken a better picture, though still consider it unfinished.)