Plein Air Painting 2015

February 4th, 2015

February 4th, 2015

February 4th, 2015
Oil on Canvasboard, 18 x 24 in

The sun set in the back yard one frigid and gusty day, blowing swaths of ice particles off the trees in plumes into the sky. I took a photo then, and worked from the photo but also from the yard. There are improvements yet to be made here and there – and then, on to the next.

Afterglow on the Canoe Channel

February 2nd, 2015

Afterglow on the Canoe Channel
February 2nd, 2015
Sunset, Lake of the Woods
(from a photo)
Oil on Canvas,
24 x 30 in

I hope that bad things can be trusted to happen in threes. I am very sorry to have lost my uncle so suddenly. The blessing is that I will now have time to process all of these losses through the medium most soothing to me – colour. I took this photo in outside daylight. Open Studio this Saturday, February 7th is a go, FYI! Perhaps I’ll see you there.


January 6th - 10th, 2015

January 6th – 10th, 2015
Oil on Canvasboard, 16 x 20 in

This has been a fairly rough year so far – the most recent blow was the rather sudden demise of my beloved cat Penny. Her name is short for Pentecost, which I named her because she was all grey and black except for one big tongue of flame on her forehead. Painting her has been wonderful – a very fulfilling way to spend time thinking about her and our life together, to savor and celebrate her incredible beauty. I think I may tweak this here and there, but it’s basically done. I hope now that there’s a little routine & order to home life (and the care of my uncle at home in hospice) I will be able to get out and paint again soon.